Saturday, March 27, 2010

Cornflakes Cookies

For the 2010 Chinese New Year, I thought of trying my hands at baking some CNY cookies. I wanted a really, really simple-no-way-anything-could-go-wrong kind of recipe. Cornflakes cookies popped out in quite a number of blogs...I basically mixed and match the 2 recipes I got from Peng's Kitchen and bakebakebake. Followed the ingredients list which was easiest for me to get and the instructions easiest to follow!

Before putting into the oven

Voila! It's done

See, I don't have any weighing machines for baking. So I found the ingredient list from Peng's kitchen easier to follow in regards to portioning; cos the butter I bought is 250grms, so I divided that visually  by 5 and then further by another I got my 60grms. Of course, I could have saved myself the trouble and just chuck the whole butter in...but when I experiment, I like to do it in small portion so I don't waste too much. :-P

Ingredients [modified from Peng's Kitchen]:
  • 60gm Butter
  • 50ml Honey [measured this amount also by visually dividing my bottle of honey ^_^]
  • 1 tbsp Sugar
  • 1/4 tsp Salt
  • Cornflakes[I just chucked in how much I felt like...hehe]
  • Color flakes
 Method [followed mostly bakebakebake]:
  1. Preheat oven to 150°c
  2. Melt butter, sugar, salt and honey in a large wok
  3. When everything is melted, turn off heat. Mix in the cornflakes...crush them a bit
  4. Coat the cornflakes well with the melted mixture
  5. Spoon them into cookie cups; arranged on an oven tray
  6. Sprinkle color flakes on top of them
  7. Put them into the oven for 5 - 10 minutes*
  8. Let cool before eating them or storing
* When I first used 10 minutes, my cookies almost got burned. According to my friend; Sie Ong, you have to check the color occasionally to see if it's done.He also recommended not to use cookie would be cheaper.
** Made a box each for my landlord's family and also the Adalbertinum Chinese Restaurant aunt's family ^_^

Very happy with my first attempt at baking cookies. :-) Since my first time, I have baked these twice already. 

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