Friday, April 2, 2010

Soy Sauce Pork

 I prepared the long beans as a back-up dish just in case my pork dish backfired. 
How's that for Plan B? :-P

I put off  trying to experiment making these because I don't know how to make it. Then seeing this dish again in VKeong's post ignited my courage! I searched but I couldn't find the recipe anywhere on the internet. All I had was the memory of its taste. And since my guinea pig for this experiment doesn't mind eating anything, I decided to just wing it. :-D

  • Pork Belly, sliced thinly [0.5cm, if you can :-P]
  • Light Soy Sauce
  • Dark Soy Sauce
  • Sweet and Sour Sauce
  • Sugar 
  • Corn Flour
* I added them according to 'as I like' method' :-)

  1. Slice the pork belly into thin pieces
  2. Marinade with mixture of light soy sauce and dark soy sauce [for about 10 minutes]
  3. Just before frying, coat the pork slices with corn flour evenly
  4. Heat oil and fry them till crisp. At this point, it can already be eaten :-D
  5. To make the sauce, add sweet and sour sauce, light soy sauce and dark soy sauce to empty pan
  6. Add sugar and stir till its melted
  7. Coat the fried pork with the sauce thoroughly
Experiment No. 1: Ready-to-be-eaten-as-it-is

 The true experiment: Coated with sauce :-D
    Maybe I have not eaten it for a very long time [which is true], but I felt it's the same exact stuff that I was craving for! It was, in my opinion, a success! I was so excited that I actually wing it! Just that we didn't cut the pork belly think enough, I think. Some pieces were a bit hard chewy-like. But it's so tough to cut them into nice thin slices. Definitely on my list of to-cook for my family when I get back home....:-) Thanks again, Jannik as the guinea pig this time.

    *I need to start numbering my guinea pigs...haha :-P*

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