Monday, April 12, 2010

Japanese Curry with Rice


Japanese Curry is one of the food that just has to be on the list of every lazy student's list. 
  1. It's easy to make
  2. It doesn't take long
  3. It's delicious regardless of what you add to it
  4. It's filling
  5. You usually would have leftovers, so you are pretty much settled for the next few meals! :-D
  1. Japanese Curry Roux [Any brand, any kind]
  2. Any vegetables [I like potatoes, carrots, cauliflower and onions]
  3. Meat eg. chicken, beef. Fish is not recommended because they tend to melt [For this time around, I made mine vegetarian]
  1.  Lightly fry your meat and vegetables in a pot
  2. Add water to your pot till it covers all the ingredients
  3. Bring to boil; then break off a few pieces of curry roux and add to pot
  4. Stir the roux around; let it melt
  5. If at this point, you feel the curry is too soup-like, add more roux! :-D
  6. It's done when the vegetables esp. potatoes are cooked 
  7. Other than rice, it can be eaten with spaghetti, noodles, etc.
There just couldn't be anything that I can imagine would go wrong in cooking this at all. 

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