Saturday, March 27, 2010

Best Birthday Cake ever: Lemon Cake

This is the first home-baked birthday cake I've gotten! So pretty and delicious!

I just have to show this off! Or actually help my friend; Jannik who baked it, show it off....haha. I could hardly believe that he really, really BAKED it! I don't know how many times I actually voice my disbelief to him....:-P Never thought that he could bake. In truth, I am really very touched by his effort. :-)

The cute little decorations! 

I actually have issues about eating figurine-shaped food. :-P Ridiculous, I know! This is my first attempt in making myself eat them. I cheated by closing my eyes when I put them in! :-P

Had it for breakfast throughout the week
The recipe he used was in German. I translated using google translator. ^_^

  • 200 grams Cream 
  • 180 grams Sugar 
  • 240 grams Flour 
  • 1 packet Vanilla Sugar 
  • 1 packet Baking Powder 
  • 4 Eggs 
  • 1 tsp Lemon Peel 
  • 1 tsp Lemon Flavoring ** [1 tsp of mixed lemon peel and lemon flavoring?? or 1 tsp of each?? Clarify with him]
  • 30 grams Powdered Sugar 
  • 2 tsp Lemon Juice
 ** He got these decorations from Kaufland

  1. This lemon cake can be easily and quickly prepared.  
  2. One need only 1 cup of cream (200 g) into a bowl.  
  3. With the clean cup cream you can measure the other ingredients, if you do not have scales to weigh.  
  4. In the event you are still 1 cup sugar (180 g), 2 cups flour (240 g) vanilla sugar, baking powder, eggs, lemon peel and a few drops of lemon flavor to the cream.
  5. Stir well until a thin dough.  
  6. Butter is not needed and only to grease the loaf pan.  
  7. Pour the dough in a preheated oven at 180 degrees about 50-60 minutes on the middle rail bake.  
  8. 10 minutes to cool in the mold.  
  9. Then throw on a grill and allow to cool completely.  
  10. Powdered sugar with lemon juice so much stir until a plump white sugar cream.  
  11. Brush the cold lemon cake with it.  
** Hahaha....funny translation right? More or less understandable I think!
From my experience, the cake can be stored in the fridge for nearly a week. I was slowly savoring it throughout the week. All 5 of us plus Jaysal and Sie Ong tried it and all praised its taste, texture and deco! The cake is not too dry, not too moist. Just the right bite. Tastewise, it's so rich with lemon taste. 


* Thumbs Up!* We have discovered a cake decorator and baker in town! 
Thank you again, Jannik for this lovely and memorable gift! :-D
Looking forward to more of your baked goods! 

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