Saturday, March 20, 2010

It's a beginning in the middle


A word; which like love also has 4 letters. ;-)

To me, a hunger for good food seems to bind me to the people I love in my life. Memories of my growing up are filled with weekends of my family driving about 4 hours to get to a good food spot, enjoy our food, and then drive back home. Along the journey, we would talk about various that time, I am the type who can't sit still and took it as my duty to provide noise in the car. I love, LOVE those times.

Perhaps that is the thing I have always associated with food. Food fills me up, give me energy. Food makes me appreciate my sense of smell, taste, sight, touch and perhaps hearing as well.

A whiff of  'butter prawns' arriving on the neighboring table gets my gastric juice production working.
A delicately arranged plate of sashimi is a visual delight.
An aftertaste of KFC remaining in the mouth makes me hungry again.
A contented feeling from biting the crunchy roast pork skin and then reaching the melting fatty and muscular layers....yum!
And a conversation discussing food itself makes for a pleasant meal.

Most of all, food has never given me a bad memory....even diarrheas don't seem that bad.:-P

My time in Czech Republic has almost been 3 years. Before you know it, I'll be graduating, working, hitting old age, and get dementia!  So I want to immortalize some of the best times in my life by typing them down here and sharing them so that you too can delight in my food memories. :-)


Happy Birthday to one of the most important person in my life; my sister, Ng Mei Theng! *BEAR HUG*

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