Sunday, March 21, 2010

Fried Chicken Wings, Eggplant Curry & Sara's Random Mix

One of my housemate; Sara was feeling particularly productive today unlike me; who was going back and forth the room; on and off-ing at intervals, my fan and heater. It's good that her productiveness manifested in the form of cooking. Lucky me!

She promised me 2 or 3 days ago, to make me her finger-lickin' good chicken wings. The last time she made them was probably back in 1st Year itself! She haven't made it for so long that I've almost forgotten about it. These wings are reallyyyyy good. I remember texting her during summer break of 1st Year, telling her that her chicken wings were better than what I was eating at that time.

She spend almost half a day in the kitchen whipping up 2 other dishes as well; Eggplant Curry and something that is so mixed we don't know what to call it! :-D

Chicken Wings

  • 12 Chicken Wings
  • Chilli Powder; poured randomly from the packet [:ROFL:]
  • Curry Powder; also poured randomly from the packet but less than the chilli powder
  • Turmeric Powder; 3/4 teaspoon
  • Ginger; pureed
  • Garlic; pureed
  • Salt; added as you like <--the all-important ingredient in Sara's cooking! 
  1. Blend the ginger and garlic
  2. Marinate the chicken with the ginger and garlic puree, salt, turmeric powder, curry powder and chilli powder for at least 1 hour
  3. Fry them till chicken is cooked and browned!

Eggplant Curry

  • 2 Eggplants; cut lengthwise
  • A sprig of Curry Leaves
  • A pack of Delichef Fish Curry Paste
  • Garlic; grated
  • Onions; grated
  • Asam Keping [dried slices of tamarind fruit]
  • Salt
  • Water
  1. Fry the cumin and mustard seeds till aromatic
  2. Fry the grated garlic, onions,and curry leaves
  3. Fry the eggplant till cooked
  4. Add in the fish curry paste and mix with some water
  5. Stir it constantly until oil separates
  6. Add salt to taste.

Sara's Random Mix 

  • 1 Box of  Mori-Nu Silken Firm Tofu; diced
  • Chicken; diced
  • Baby Prawns
  • Tom Yam Paste
  • Chilli Powder
  • Oyster Sauce; poured randomly from the bottle
  • Fish Sauce; 1 teaspoon
  • Sesame oil; poured randomly from the bottle
  • Kaffir Lime Leaf
  • Egg
  • Salt
  1. Fry the kaffir lime leaf till aromatic
  2. Fry the chicken till cooked
  3. Fry the tofu til browned
  4. Add in the prawns and fry for a bit
  5. Break egg and mix in a bowl. Add to pan and fry it while breaking it up. 
  6. Add in the tom yam paste
  7. Add oyster sauce, fish sauce, sesame oil and chilli powder
  8. Add salt; according to taste
** She really, really thought this up on her own; that's why it's named after her!**

I swore I don't feel that sick right after eating the chicken wings. I chomp down 5 at my first go after she finished frying them. The wings are miracle....fine, I might be guilty of exaggerating a little! :-P
The eggplant curry is so good with rice. The eggplant is so soft, just the way I like it.
Hmmm....the's an interesting mix; strongly flavoured with tom yam. Can really taste it very well even after drenching my rice with the curry and chomping on more wings!

I will be dreaming of chicken wings tonight *Paradise* That's how it feels like when there's someone to cook for you when you are sick. :-D Thank you, Sara...and Mom, I appreciate you more again!


Anonymous said...

i want to taste sara's legs now :P

Anonymous said...

lol..this must be gaya.. :p u've tasted it already.. :D

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